Monday, March 16, 2020

Corona-Virus Split Into Two Strains

According to Chinese scientists, the virus has evolved into a new body, or mutation, into two different viruses since its first outbreak in December 2019. (4-4-12 Rule + Genomeceuticals = Fat LossThere are two types of the virus, but the same species of Corona are currently infecting humans, most of which appear to be from the more aggressive and most Aggressive Form.

Experts from Beijing and Shanghai said that 70 percent of the patients were infected with the virus, which is a serious disease, but it has spread since the beginning of January. Now the milder and more infectious species of Co-virus appear to be more common.

The fact that the virus is mutable means that it may be difficult to detect or treat and to treat patients who are at high risk for infection. (Metabolic reboot program make health is wellHowever, this study identified only a small number of mutations (103), so more research is needed, and another scientist adds that it is normal. No, the virus has evolved from being transmitted only in animals to humans.

For the study of 103 genes of the Co-virus 19, it was found that two viruses have two variants: L and S. Scientists say about 70 percent of patients are infected with the new virus, "L, which is more infectious and more aggressive than S." (Read: sleeping pills when you should.) But L is less common, while weaker type S is more common.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

4-4-12 Rule + Genomeceuticals = Fat Loss

4-4-12 Rule + Bios Life Slim = Fat Loss !

Take the guess work out of losing weight with one rule and one product. One Rule 4-4-12. One product: Bios Life Slim.

What is 4-4-12?
 Its the proper way to consistently eat 3 balanced meals a day. Thats 4 hours between breakfast and lunch, 4 hours between lunch and dinner and 12 hours between dinner and breakfast the next day.

Why 4-4-12?
 4-4-12 eating plan Studies show that having a regular meal pattern helps lower your bodies insulin levels, which aides in burning fat. When you body has high insulin levels it cannot burn stored fat. Bios Life Slim is the difference for living the 4-4-12 rule. 

Bios Life Slim reduces your appetite during meals and eliminates the cravings you feel between meals. This makes it possible to live 4-4-12 and burn fat. 

By slowing the bodys absorption of glucose from a meal Bios Life Slim allows your body to use the energy stored in the food you eat over a longer period of time. Because it also helps lower insulin levels your body is now able to switch energy sources when it runs out, and start burning the stored fat you are carrying around on your body. We call this period of time when your body is using stored fat for enery the Fat Burning Zone. 

Snacking between meals for energy is no longer necessary, Bios Life Slim provides the energy naturally by burning your stored fat. Bios Life Slim does all of this while lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Bios Life Slim is the only clinically proven, patented, natural, fat loss product on the market. It will change your body from a fat storing machine to a fat burning machine. Remember 4-4-12 and Bios Life Slim, one rule, one product. Bios Life Slim is the difference.

To follow the 4-4-12 Rule, simply do the following steps:
1) Eat a lean high-protein breakfast – then wait 4 hours.
2) Drink Slim, eat lunch – then wait 4 hours to eat again.
3) Drink Slim, eat dinner – then wait 12 hours before eating breakfast.
4-4-12 Puts You in the Fat Burning Zone. Bios Life Slim makes it easy to keep the gaps between meals because it makes them hunger free and energy-filled. It reduces your hunger cravings, and helps your body to use its fat for the sustained energy it needs.
It’s the perfect weight loss solution. Reduce your cravings, making it easier to avoid snacking between meals.
Follow our 4-4-12 rule: Do not eat anything for 4 hours between breakfast and lunch, 4 hours between lunch and dinner, and 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. If you feel you must eat something, make it a healthy snack.
Bios life Slim works best when you keep the 4-4-12 Rule because it is designed to help your body burn its stored fat between meals. By rapidly burning body fat, it reduces both your weight and inches.
Watch the video presentation of the 4 - 4 - 12 rule. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Metabolic reboot program make health is well


The metabolic syndrome becomes worldwide epidemic. Some sources indicated that one out of four people are having a metabolic syndrome, and most of them are not aware that they’re having this syndrome! Conditions of the metabolic syndrome are, for example, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, digestive disorder, joint pain, asthma, depression, cancer, etc. Hello, my name is Fred. I am 52 years old from Cambodia. Before May 2018 I had a bad health problem. I just overlooked and ignored these problems. I thought I was okay without having a health checkup. In fact, I had a digestive disorder. A cause this disorder was not happening overnight. It had been for many years because of my bad life style I had behaved recklessly, especially bad diet and lack of exercise. Day after day, I had enjoyed eating unhealthy food a lot of sweet and fatty stuffs. I like sweet dessert, soft drink, fruit juice, especially coke, cake, donut, etc. I loved barbecued pork ribs, steak and seafood. Even I was full, I still ate it. I was also fond of drinking beer or wine with my friends or relatives during weekends, holidays or sometimes week days. Sometimes I drank 3 to 6 cans of beer or 1 bottle of red wine by myself. I worked in the office. I sat all day long interfacing my computer, not much standing, walking and exercising. After lunch, I immediately got back to work at my workstation. In short, I had eaten bad diets with a sedentary life style for many years. Gradually, I had gained weight, especially in my belly area. Signs and symptoms I had noticed in myself were that I often had a chest pain, gas, bloating, constipation, insomnia, and frequent weak urination. My conditions had been worsened year after year.
One day I visited a doctor office and took a blood test; my doctor told me that I not only had a digestive issue, but also I had high cholesterol and prediabetes according to my blood test result. Another bad news was that when my doctor put his finger to test my prostate inside my anus, he told me that I also had a prostate enlargement. He prescribed me some medications, and I had used them for several years, but these medications only helped me temporarily. My digestive problem and frequent weak urination were not improving. Then I learned that statin drugs had made my conditions worse due to their side effects. I have learned that a long term use of the statin drugs has significantly impaired cells’ wellbeing. Thus, our brain, internal organs, and body as a whole do not function properly. So I switched to herbal supplements because of its natural ingredients. I bought supplements from a drug or online store. I had taken them regularly. I had used these supplements for a few years, and my conditions were a little bit better but not much improving in general. My blood sugar and cholesterol were still high. My gas, bloating, constipation, and insomnia did not go away. My frequent weak urination had really bothered me. Each time I urinated, I still had a burning sensation and my urine flow was very slow taking a long time to empty my bladder. I had been frustrated and depressed especially I did not have a good sleep every night. I often felt sluggish and fatigued. My life had been miserable.

In addition to the side effects of the statin drugs, our internal organs are bombarded by chemical, GMO, gluten, processed and fast food, stress and environmental pollution every day. These toxins affect our internal organs' normal functions. Excessive calories from food indulgence also put more stress on our digestive system. When we eat more than our daily caloric requirement, these excessive calories turn into stored fats, embedded in our gut, liver, pancreas, heart, arms and legs. Consequently we are gaining weight and not healthy. Stored fat or free fatty acid can cause many problems in our body. These fats have created acid causing inflammation. When our liver is inflamed, it cannot metabolize carbs and fats efficiently. When our pancreas is inflamed, it does not function properly. It’s unable to produce enough insulin to stabilize the blood sugar in our blood systems. In turn, it caused diabetes. When our arteries is inflamed, bad cholesterol along with calcium come to patch inflamed areas where it gradually builds up plaques, calcifying and blocking artery passages. As months and years passed by when our artery passages are getting narrow or clogged up, this where a heart attack or stroke takes place. Furthermore, our large intestine is like a garbage dump truck where wastes are being stored and eliminated daily; however some digestive residues are left, rotten, built up and attached to the intestinal walls for many years. When our intestinal walls are getting thicker and thicker by building up fats and sticky residues, it cannot further break up the food efficiently. Indigestive residues are being fermented causing gas, bloating, acid, indigestion and not able to absorb minerals efficiently. Furthermore, it becomes a safe haven for worms, fungi and bad bacteria residing there. Technically speaking, worms, fungi and bad bacteria are having parties every day in our gut. If we don’t cleanse our intestine at least once a year, these parasites and bacteria have caused intestinal toxins, inflammation, constipation, hemorrhoid or even a leaky gut. These things had been happening to me. If I continue to ignore these problems, I could potentially have a cancer.

One day while I was eating at a local restaurant, I met someone about 10 years senior my age; she was eating nearby my table. She was opening a packet of powder, pouring into a glass of water, stirred and drank. I asked her “Excuse me mam, what that packet is for”. She replied, “It is a Bios Life Slim for controlling blood sugar, bad cholesterol, digestive problems and promoting overall wellbeing.” I asked her, “Is it effective as you just claimed?” She told me that she had diabetes for over 11 years with insulin injections twice daily. Her medications could no longer improve her diabetes, and her doctor no longer wanted to treat her any more. Fortunately, someone introduced her Bios Life Slim (Unicity Balance U.S. version). She has used Unicity Balance for over 6 months when she met me, but her diabetic condition was improving since the first month of using it without using any more prescription drugs from her doctor, and now she felt 90% healed. Her diabetic wound was also healed from Unicity’s Super Chlorophyll powder. Then I asked her, “Where can I buy it?” She replied, “You cannot buy it at any pharmacy or online store”. I asked her I want to try it because I have used medications and herbal supplements for many years but my conditions were not improving. Her name is Nary. Nary confidently recommended and guaranteed me that if I take this Bios Life Slim, and if my conditions like blood sugar, cholesterol and fat belly are not improving after 60 days, she personally refund me 100% amount I paid. Then I quickly said that I seriously need it and where can I buy it? She told me that she was enrolled as a member of Unicity, a nutraceutical company which is based in Utah, USA. Unicity was established in 2001 with distribution centers around the world in 49 countries and it’s expanding due to its effective nutraceutical supplements. Unicity’s products are innovative nutraceutical and genomeceutical, U.S. patented; these products are bioavailable that can prevent or heal at cellular levels. They’re more effective than other supplements in the markets. She said that if I want to use the Unicity’s products, I have to enroll as a member. Then I would be able to buy the Unicity’s products at the membership prices for life. I told her that I am very much interested and I want to enroll and try this product. Then she gave me her enroller’s ID for my Unicity enrollment. After I knew about Unicity, I have learned that anyone interested to use the Unicity’s products he/she can use a enroller’s ID to register as a member and order online via its website at his respective country. If you would like to enroll, please use my enroller’s ID at the bottom. After I met Nary, I enrolled, bought and presently have taken Bios Life Slim along with a few other nutraceutical products. In just a few weeks, my conditions were improving drastically. I feel light, refreshed and more energetic. Furthermore, I have no longer had bloating and constipation. I have slept much better. My urination difficulty has been improved also. After 60 days, my fat stomach was loosening. I lost about 8 kilograms (17lbs). I returned for a blood test again. Here are the results before and after. 

In summary, the metabolic syndrome does not stereotype people whether they are fat, skinny or in good shape. It could happen to anyone. A heart attack or stroke is a silent killer; it could strike any one any time without a warning sign. We all have to be aware of this syndrome, and we have to change our life style. We have to discipline ourselves with a balance diet, regular exercise and take nutraceutical supplements every day. Whether we have a metabolic syndrome or not, the best way to avoid it is a prevention. If you already have a metabolic syndrome, I highly recommend that you should use Unicity’s nutraceutical supplements. First, you should have a blood test to determine your condition before using Unicity’s nutraceutical supplements. Since we all cannot avoid chemical food, stress and polluted environment, these supplements are essential to detox, prevent or heal various diseases. The Unicity’s nutraceutical products work. It makes my life better, looks better and feels better. Here is my picture before and after.

Unicity has a full range of supplemental products that can prevent or heal many diseases. For my particular disorder, I use a metabolic reboot program. It was designed to reboot and restore my metabolic system by improving a digestive system, controlling blood sugar, cholesterol, loosening a belly fat and normalizing my urination flows. Here are some supplements I have used for my conditions. These supplements are Cleanse Tea (Nature’s Tea), Super Chlorophyll, LiFiber, LC (Unicity Complete U.S. version), Probionic, Unicity Balance (Bios Life Slim), Core Health and Prostate TLC. I also noted that these products were registered in PDR (Physician Desk Reference). So I feel more confident about the Unicity’s products. They’re all natural derivatives without any side effect. They gave my life back. I am thankful to Nary and Unicty. Here are the Unicity’s supplements in more details for my metabolic reboot program. Colon Cleansing: 
Nature Tea (Cleanse Tea) for gentle colon cleansing – many of us have not cleansed our colon for many years. It cleanses the intestinal plaques; it makes our gut healthier. When our colon is clean, it can improve digestion and mineral absorption. Eliminate gas, bloating, and constipation. Usage: Put one bag in a cup of hot water and steep it for 5 minutes, remove the bag and discard. Let it cool and drink it before bed time every night for 15 days, then the rest every other day. Recommended use: one box once a year. 
Lifiber – promote regularity, improve constipation, normalize large intestine, get rid of bloating and gas. Improve blood sugar, cholesterol, hemorrhoid, and prevent colorectal cancer. After wake up in the morning, put one scoop in a glass of water. Stir and drink immediately on an empty stomach. Once a day. If you often have constipation, use one in the morning & one before bed time.
 LC (Unicity Complete) – excellent protein powder. Encourage weight loss and promote lean body. Use two scoops of LC powder or one packet of LC for breakfast, make you full all morning. You can mix it with Lifiber; shake it well and drink immediately. There are other Unicity Complete series with different flavor. You can check on its website.
 Bios Life Slim (Unicity Balance): a flagship product of Unicity. It improves metabolism, control blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight loss (flatten stomach). One packet, stir in a glass of water or in a 250 ml (8 oz) of bottle water, shake well and drink it immediately. Then wait for 10-15 minutes before eat your meal at lunch and dinner. 2 times daily. 
Body Detox: Super Chlorophyll (Super Green U.S. version) for detoxification – since we all eat chemical food and bombarded by work stress and environmental pollutants every day, we need to drink Super Chlorophyll daily to detoxify chemical and environmental pollutants in our system. It also improves blood oxygen. Get rid of body odor and improve skin diseases. If you have a diabetic wound or any wound, you can sprinkle chlorophyll powder over lesion areas twice daily. Your wound will be gradually healed. Before you sprinkle the powder again, make sure you clean or scrap the dead cell layers of the lesions. Usage for drinking: One teaspoon powder mixes with a liter (0.25 gallons) of water. Drink any time all day, daily or you can mix it with your morning Lifiber and LC (Unicity Complete) in one mixed drink. 
Paraway: if you believe you have worms and parasites in your gut in some cases in people’s lung, eyes, or brain. Use Paraway to eliminate over 100 types of worms, tape worms and parasites. Please read usage instruction on the bottle’s label.
 Probionic – improve overall gut flora by increasing good bacteria overcoming bad bacteria and fungi. Also get rid of bad breath, gas, bloating and improve digestion. 1 sachet in the morning and 1 sachet before bed time. When a condition is improved, use one sachet daily in the morning or night. If you have a diarrhea, use 4 sachets twice daily until it stops diarrhea.
 Core Health – a day and night package. A natural multivitamin that are better absorbed for your body’s daily requirements. 
Prostate TLC – stop burning sensation and frequent weak urination. Improve urine flowing smoothly. Take two soft gel capsules twice daily, preferably before or after meal (morning and evening).
 Eating Disciplines: 4-4-12. One can eat 3 balance meals a day, at least 4 hours apart between breakfast and lunch before start eating another meal; at least 4 hours apart between lunch and dinner. Dinner to breakfast at least 12 hours apart for the next day’s meal. Studies show that having a regular meal pattern helps lower your body insulin and cholesterol levels, which aides in burning fat. When your body has high insulin levels, it cannot burn stored fat. Between 4 hours and 12 hours intervals, one cannot eat any snack or sweet drink like dessert, coffee, fruits except water, tea, Unicity’s Unimate (promote good mood; eliminate stress, anxiety and depression or Unicity Matcha-excellent antioxidant and energy drink). Furthermore, one must eat dinner before 7PM or 3 hours before go to sleep. It allows your stomach resting not full of food while you’re sleeping. If you eat late at 8PM or later, your body cannot metabolize well; thus put more stress on your digestive system and gain weight. Sleeping Patterns: according to a circadian rhythm, at 9PM melatonin is secreting; our brain is signaling our body to go to sleep. Melatonin stops secretion at 7:30AM. Whether we’re still watching TV, play game or stay late night, even if our body is awake, technically speaking, our brain is sleeping after 9:30PM or so. Let’s make a habit to go to sleep at 9:30-10:PM. Most of us are violating a circadian rhythm. This is also a contributing factor to the metabolic syndrome. Just like an old saying, “Early to bed early to rise, make a man healthy and wealthy. Balance Meals Guide: 40/30/20/10. This balance meal formula means that 40% fruit/vegetable, 30% protein (meat/pork/poultry/fish), 20% carbohydrates (rice, bread, pasta), 10% oil/fat/dairy. After my first month of the Unicity’s metabolic reboot program with 4-4-12 eating discipline, balance meals and simple exercise, I have improved my conditions drastically. I feel great! I feel lighter and rejuvenated with more energy. No more gas, bloating and constipation. I sleep well every night. No more frequent, weak urination. The side effects of using these supplements have improved my sex life joyfully. Presently I not only feel great and energetic, but also look great with a positive attitude and more confident in myself. If you would like to enroll and order Unicity’s supplements for your health from any country, please use my sponsor/enroller’s ID: 241873566 and click on this link to enroll and order the Unicity’s products in your respective country.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sundar's five top thoughts inspire Google to be the company

Sundar Pichai is currently the CEO of Google giants and a US-Indian business with total assets of $ 1.2 billion. His thinking helped Google to take the throne as the most popular news company in the world.

By the end of this year, Business Cambodia wishes to highlight the five things that Billionaire Sundar Pichai has helped Google to remain until now, as well as to beat top companies in the same field of weakness.

1. Think about what's going to happen in the future
Sundar said that if you do not think about the future, you will be kicked out of the box, or in other words, the next generation will come to grips with the business and the work you are doing now. . For example, Yahoo and Nokia, both companies are giant companies over the last few years, but are not worried about the future of failures. Sundar explained that to ensure that your business or business can live a long life, you have to create something new and create a product for the future.

2. Empower employees
"If you do not give your employees the responsibility, they will not be doing their job well," Sundar said. Empowering people is very important because it helps them do not have much pressure and creativity as well as better work.

3. Create something new and make it easy for people
The 46-year-old CEO said that regardless of who the nationality is, a revolutionary and creative idea can change your life from the poor to become a billionaire overnight. Creating something new and solving people around the world is what every billionaire and me likes to do.

4. Dare to risk
The $ 1.2 billion billion tycoon claims success is at risk. If you are not at risk, you will eliminate a great deal of life in your life. So in order for life not to regret you have to be at risk to get the most exciting result in life. Sundar "Remember, the wealth will come to you when you have the courage."

5. Follow your dreams
Sundar Pichai said that to make life a success, you must have a dream and that dream must be big and help solve the problems of the people, especially what you want to achieve and love so much. You are passionate about splitting to achieve it.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Want more money in your pocket? You could walk dogs, pick up shifts at starbucks or even rent a clown suit and work kids' birthday parties. Or, you could just kick back on your couch and flip open your laptop. Okay, it’s not exactly that easy. But thanks to the exploding gig economy and the enormous reach of the internet, there are more opportunities than ever to watch the Benjamins (or at least Abrahams) roll in during your downtime from the comfort of your home.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

DON'T BLINK! Shin Lim Performs Epic Magic With Melissa Fumero - America's Got Talent: The Champions

Shin Lim (born September 25, 1991) is a Canadian-American magician of Han Chinese heritage, recognized for his use of card manipulation and sleight of hand. He is known for elaborate close-up card magic routines, during which he remains silent with the tricks set to music. He is self-taught, having learned most of his skills from watching YouTube. Since then, he has shared some of his techniques on YouTube.

Originally educated to be a pianist, he took up magic as his career after being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Lim was discovered around 2012 and began to tour internationally, and subsequently won the 2015 Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques in Close-up Card Magic. His appearances on Penn & Teller: Fool Us and his wins on America's Got Talent during its 13th season and on America's Got Talent: The Champions led to more international fame

Early Life 

Lim is the second of three children of Singapore-born parents and is ethnically Han Chinese.[1] He was born in Vancouver, where his dad was completing his post graduate studies. His family returned to Singapore when he was 2 and moved to Acton, Massachusettswhen he was 11.[2] Lim attended the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School.[3] As early as 9 years old, Lim showed an interest in music. His grandmother had originally given him a violin, but he became frustrated with that and smashed it after a practice session, and switched over to piano. After graduating from high school, he attended the School of Music at Lee University in Tennessee to continue his education in music.[3]

Source :

Why do people get sick?

There are numerous ailments that can afflict the human body, ranging from carsickness to colds to cancer. The earliest physicians thought that illness and disease were a sign of God's anger or the work of evil spirits. Hippocrates and Galen advanced the concept of humorism, a theory which held that we get sick from imbalances of the four basic substances within the human body, which they identified as blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. Paracelsus, a Renaissance-era physician, was one of the first to posit that sickness comes from outside sources, rather than from within.

Today, we know that there are two major kinds of diseases: Communicable Diseases  and Non Communicable DiseasesMetabolic Syndrome). Communicable disease is one that is spread from one person to another through a variety of ways that include: contact with blood and bodily fluids; breathing in an airborne virus; or by being bitten by an insect.. These pathogens can enter the body through the air we breathe, the food and drink we consume or through openings in the skin, such as cuts. As an example, think of a person who has a cold. That person may cough into his or her hand and then touch a doorknob, thus placing the cold virus on that doorknob. The virus may die on the doorknob, but it's also possible that the next person to touch the doorknob will pick it up. If that person then touches food with the unwashed hand and consumes the food, the virus is now inside the body. 
Not every pathogen that enters the body results in illness -- our bodies come equipped with immune systems to fight off foreign agents. However, pathogens have the ability to adapt and evolve much more quickly than the immune system can, which means that pathogens sometimes have the upper hand when it comes to fooling the body's defenses. One way that pathogens evade the immune system is by hiding within the body's healthy cells. Additionally, some people have weakened immune systems that make it harder for them to resist the effects of an invading pathogen.

non-communicable disease (NCD) is a disease that is not transmissible directly from one person to another. NCDs include Parkinson's diseaseautoimmune diseasesstrokes, most heart diseases, most cancersdiabeteschronic kidney diseaseosteoarthritis,
osteoporosisAlzheimer's diseasecataracts, and others. NCDs may be chronic or acute. Most are non-infectious, although there are some non-communicable infectious diseases, such as parasitic diseases in which the parasite's life cycledoes not include direct host-to-host transmission. 

For example, skin cancer is usually the result of people spending too much time in the sun without protection from the sun's UV rays, which is considered an environmental factor. A condition like heart disease may be caused by a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, or it may be caused by a family history of the disease. Though we may not be able to change our genetic code, there are plenty of things that humans can do to prevent noninfectious diseases. Most notably, we can choose to eat healthfully and exercise. We can also reduce our exposure to avoidable risk factors such as cigarette smoke.


  • Borzelleca, Joseph F. "Paracelsus: Herald of Modern Toxicology." Toxicological Sciences. 2000. (March 5, 2010)
  • "Chronic/Noninfectious Disease." Minnesota Department of Health: Strategies for Public Health. 2002. (March 5, 2010)
  • "Infectious Disease: Evolving Challenges to Human Health." Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences. (March 5, 2010
  • "Infectious Diseases." World Health Organization. (March 5, 2010)
  • Infectious Diseases Society of America. (March 5, 2010)

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